
Nymphomaniac: Who am I to judge?

電影 Nymphomaniac(性上癮者)有這樣觸目驚心的一幕:性上癮的女主角因為家庭和心理壓力向心理醫生求診,參與了一群性上癮者組成的治療小組。結果,因為承受不了其他人的壓抑,在小組裏大發雷霆:

「...I understand now that we are not and never will be alike. I am not like you who fucks to be validated and might just as well give up putting cocks inside of you... that empathy you claim is a lie because all you are is society's morality police whose duty is to erase my obscenity from the surface of the earth so that the Bourgeoisie would not feel sick. I am not like you. I am a nymphomaniac and I love myself for being one, but above all, I love my cunt and my filthy, dirty lust.」

這樣的直白鋪陳未必能把問題意識完全勾勒出來,因為電影花了首半部分的篇章將主角的癖好一步一步 Force-feed 進觀眾的眼球中:基本上強行將觀眾置於一個第三者的位置去下一個道德判斷:尺度由一些比較基本的一夜情和濫交,一直推到今天社會上九成人都覺得難以接受的尺度(雜交、性虐、戀童等等)。


因此那段演說是一個很發人深省的指控:「...that empathy you claim is a lie because all you are is society's morality police whose duty is to erase my obscenity from the surface of the earth so that the Bourgeoisie would not feel sick.」在這樣的大時代以外,我們又有多大的道德勇氣去實踐包容,或者更進一步,放下審判的目光?

